Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Deviant Behavior (2024) – Exploring the overlap: Suicidal thoughts and homicidal acts among incarcerated offenders
- Journal of Crime and Justice (2024) – Murder in a time of criss: A qualitative exploration of the 2020 homicide spike through offender interviews
- Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (2024) – Epidemiology of mass shooting
- Journal of Threat Assessment and Management (2023) – An exploration of K-12 school shooting threats in the United States
- Social Media and Society (2023) – How public mass shooters use social media: Exploring themes and future directions
- Preventative Medicine (2022) – US mass public shootings since Columbine: Victims per incident by race and ethnicity of the perpetrator
- Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (2022) – Psychosis and mass shootings: A systematic examination using publicly available data
- JAMA Network Open (2021) – Communication of intent to do harm preceding public mass shootings in the United States, 1966-2019
- JAMA Network Open (2021) – Presence of armed school officials and fatal and nonfatal gunshot injuries during mass school shootings, 1980-2019
- The Police Journal (2020) – Evaluation of “The R-Model” crisis intervention de-escalation training for law enforcement
- Journal of Crime and Justice (2018) – Is Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training evidence-based practice? A systematic review
- Aggression and Violent Behavior (2017) – Cyber violence: What do we know and where do we go from here?
- Current Opinion in Psychology (2017) – Group aggression
- Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2017) – Developing an understanding of victims and violent offenders: The impact of fostering empathy
- Hamline Mitchell Law Review (2016) – Understanding offenders with serious mental illness in the criminal justice system
- Clinical Psychological Science (2016) – Psychosis uncommonly and inconsistently precedes violence among high-risk individuals
- Journal of Threat Assessment and Management (2015) – Training students to respond to shootings on campus: Is it worth it?
- Law and Human Behavior (2014) – How often and how consistently is criminal behavior preceded by symptoms for offenders with mental illness?
- Law and Human Behavior (2012) – Supervision practices in specialty mental health probation: What happens in officer-probationer meetings?
- Psychological Assessment (2011) – If you want to know, consider asking: How likely is it that a patient will hurt themselves in the future?
- Law and Human Behavior (2011) – Correctional policy for offenders with mental illness: Creating a new paradigm for recidivism
- Psychiatric Services (2010) – Comparing the offense patterns of offenders with and without mental disorder: Exploring the criminalization hypothesis